Bioremediation refers to any process that uses micro-organisms, (bacteria, fungi, green plants or enzymes) to return the environment, altered by contaminants, to its original condition. Bioremediation may be employed to attack specific soil contaminants, such as petroleum products (oil, gasoline) as well as more harmful contaminants such as chlorinated solvents.
Golden had its remediation beginnings over 25 years ago as a restoration contractor for the insurance claim industry. These services included fire, flood and mold restoration. While servicing the insurance restoration industry, there would be the occasion when a fuel spill would require remediation.
Golden followed the traditional "dig and dump" approach with environmental site remediation. However, after research into alternatives, Golden forged a partnership with Novozymes, a global microbe development manufacturer. We also acquired the most current remediation equipment, which included mobile treatment unit(s) and direct push technologies in order to implement this newly acquired technology. This enabled us to provide an alternative remediation solution to the traditional methods.
These technologies, including both microbial and chemical oxidation, were used in various capacities for the majority of minor spill clean-ups. We comply with both federal and provincial requirements for certificates of approval for the utilization of these technologies. Certifications include a mobile E.C.A. (Environmental Certificate of Approval), allowing us to mobilize very quickly. It became evident very quickly that this approach was efficient and more cost effective than the demolition and excavation method.
In the process our site management expertise expanded including health and safety as well as field support. Our continuing field experience, coupled with our ongoing research and development program gives us a unique advantage in developing new and exciting products, as well as solutions to previously difficult in-situ remediation challenges.
Some of our products carry the EcoLogo and UL certifications. Golden Environmental Products Inc. is a member of the USGBC and certain products can help earn points in the LEED rating system. Please see individual product pages for more info.
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Eco Reclamation Solutions: Golden Environmental Services